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Posted by on Apr 30, 2015 in ACE Learning Center, ACE Partners, Continuing Education | 0 comments

Swap Your Phone for Poetry Suggests Poem Written By San Francisco International High School Student for Poem in Your Pocket Day

By Guest Blogger Cronos, San Francisco International High School Poetry Contest Co-Mascot, and Shuyi Luana Hu, SIHS Student Poet

Cronos here, inspired by our SFIHS poets!  Put down that phone and write poetry. Oh, unless you write poems on your phone, then it's okay.

Cronos here, inspired by our SFIHS poets! Put down that phone and write poetry. Oh, unless you write poems on your phone, like Mr. Gizmo, then it’s okay.

Cronos here for San Francisco International High School (SFIHS.) Mr. Gizmo (as you can imagine) is the more technologically savvy of the two of us. He’s always glued to his phone connecting with the world and sharing information. Me, I prefer to limit my social networking to the trees and fire hydrants in my neighborhood. Mr. Gizmo and I often argue about the connections he’s making online, so this poem really appealed to me. I hope you’ll like it too.

In celebration of Poem in Your Pocket Day, take a look at this gem from Luana Hu at SF International and think about swapping your cell for poetry one day this week.

by Shuyi Luana Hu, SF International High School

From small to big
From visibility to invisibility
Through a phone
to the see the world

What can we see?
What can we learn?
What can we obtain?

Can we see people’s emotion?
Can we learn what we need?
Can we build a relationship?

I wonder.
I don’t know what is true

I can’t see their emotions

Are they smiling?
Are they suffering?
Are they crying?

I don’t know what is true.

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