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Ace Spectrum is about you — the ACE Learning Centers.
It’s a quick sharing of ideas, inspiration, opinions and best practices among our continuing education organizations.

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Pride of Learning, Leadership and Nationality Shine in Alpha Public School Poems

Posted by on May 26, 2022 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report | 0 comments

Dexter and Luna here. The ACE Poetry Contest mascots. These are the last of the winning Alpha Public School poems and they are from students in adult English classes, our leadership group and Folklorico classes. Great stories told by great voices.

Luna butting in again. Algunos de los poemas están en español, así que explora nuevas palabras o usa el traductor de Google. Or in English – some of the poems are in Spanish so explore new words or use Google translate. Great poems. Congratulations to the winners – Felicidades a las ganadoras et los ganadores. Read on.

Winning Poems – English Classes

Doris Fairas

First Place

Name: Doris Fairas

Name of Poem: The Mirror Says

 The mirror says to me: “You are strong and nice”

The mirror says to me:  “Don’t stop to sing , don’t stop to dream, don’t stop to dance.”

It says to me: “ If you can smell the coffee’s aroma, or when one rose is open, or the fresher fruits… You are alive.

If you can listen to the bird’s song, the wind’s sound, the baby’s crying… You are alive! Enjoy it! It is a present for you!

 Doris Farias’ Narrative

I like to be in this program because I can learn how to communicate with people. I can meet new people and I can speak in the supermarket, in the store I can ask for items or clothes.

I am learning English every day. I like to have conversations about what my classmates do at work, what their hobbies are, and about what they are learning.

I am applying what I learn with my family. I can communicate better with my granddaughter, I can understand better when they talk to me.

I have learned how to make short sentences, how to ask questions, how to use new words, new verbs, how to use nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and irregular verbs.

I know more vocabulary and now I can communicate with other people in different places.

I am very happy and grateful with this program, with the teacher, and with my classmates.


Benito Osorio

Second Place

Name: Benito Osorio

I like to be in this program because it helps me to open a conversation, which I didn’t before. And I like this program because it is in my language.

I’m learning English day by day with the help of the ESL-1 program.

I apply what I learned in the English program every day with my family and work.

I learn how to identify past, present, and future sentences. I’m learning how to have longer conversations, which I was not able to do before. And what  I am learning in the program helps me to understand what my boy tries to tell me.

This program helps me to identify the sound of the words in English by listening.

What I’m learning in this program helps me to have better communication in my job with my boss and clients. When I talk with a client at work, I am able to understand their needs without any misunderstandings. Also, I am learning how to navigate online on a computer, which I didn’t do before.


Giovanni Cantera

Third Place

Name: Giovanni Cantera

Name of Poem: My English Class

Hi, my name is Giovanni Cantera, this is my class with my teacher Susana. This program helps me to be prepared for my work and for my daily life. I love to learn English because now I have the opportunity to learn. I am happy learning English and I feel proud of myself because I have little conversations with my friends and people.

I understand better. I try to apply everything I learn when I go to the supermarket and when I go to a restaurant. I learn to greet people, spell my name, and ask for and give information about locations. Also, I learn pronunciation, the alphabet, some vocabulary, numbers, verbs, and places.


Winning Poems – Folklorico Classes

Group 1

Sofia Horta

First Place

Name: Sofia Horta

Name of Poem: Mexican Culture


Cultures around the world are different

That is what makes people magnificent

Mexican culture is amazing

It makes all hearts go racing

Mariachi songs are great

They make you dance without a break

Dia de los muertosis an important day

Because we remember the people that passed away

Posadas are fun and spectacular

Breaking piñatas are popular

Mexican art is full of colors and beautiful

When you see it. It makes you feel wonderful

Folkloric dance is the best

It makes us feel like a bird in its nest

I am happy and proud of my parents’ culture,

I would like to go to Mexico in the future


Group 2

Britany Hernandez Flores

First Place

Name: Britany Hernandez Flores

Name of Poem: Mi Cultura 


México es mi tierra

porque yo estoy unida a ella,

y al igual que mi bandera

yo la amo donde sea.

Cuando veo sus colores

siento orgullo de saber,

que cada uno de ellos

simboliza un gran poder.

Como el verde que nos brinda la esperanza,

y el blanco que nos une como pueblo,

y el rojo que simboliza los sacrificios de

nuestros héroes mexicanos.

Tan mexicanos como sus bailes y sus canciones,

esas danzas y esos sones

que al mirar a las mujeres 

bailando ese mover de sus faldas 

es una danza multicolores.

Y que me dicen de sus sabores,

la comida ni se diga

como los tacos y las tortillas 

son el pan de cada dia.

En esta pandemia aprendi,

que México es un gran país

que todos somos especiales 

y nadie debería quedarse atrás.


Que todos podemos lograr 

cosas increibles si estamos juntos,

si estamos unidos, 

todos podríamos ser una sola nación 

México y Estados Unidos.

Viva mi cultura


Britanny Diaz

Second Place

Name: Britanny Diaz

Oh oaxaca

Tu gran región,

Llena de cultura y tradición

Tus grandes bailes

Llaman la atención

Con asombró y admiración

La gastronomía

Llena de sabor

Sus 7 moles

Que rica sensación

Su vestimenta

Llena de color

Con gran encaje

Que bellos trajes de Oaxaca mi región

Su produccion agrícola

De maíz, frijol

Y otros granos de excelente sabor

El magey mezcalero

La bebida tradicional de la región

Con su gran sabor y excelente fermentación

Sus grandes eventos

Llenos de honor y tradición

Grandes monumentos

Con historia de generación.

Tu gran arte y paisajes

Con gran amor

Siempre admiro a Oaxaca

Con inmensa inspiración

Oh Oaxaca

Tu gran artesanía

Tus grandes lugares

Y hermosa vida

Oaxaca mi querida tierra

Yo por ti doy mi vida

Con gran fantasía

En verte otra vez


Wendy Ramirez

Third Place

Name: Wendy Ramirez


Roses are red

Mexicans are brown

That’s my race

So don’t put it down

My Mexican pride

I will not hide

My Mexican race

I will not disgrace

My Mexican blood

Flows hot and true

My Mexican peeps

I will stand by you

Thru thick and thin

Till the day we die

Our Mexican flag

Always stand high

I yell this poem

Louder than all the rest

Cuz everyone knows

Mexicans are the best


Winning Poems – Leadership

Name/Nombre: Alma Rodriguez

Alma Rodriguez

Name of Poem/ Nombre del Poema: Camino al Exito

Alpha escuela Mia futuro de nuestros hijos y exito para todos nuestros estudiantes. Porque poner trabas cuando de educacion se trata, pero Aqui estamos como padres reunidos para abogar por los nuestros, por nuestros hijos. Alpha mas que una escuela se a convertido en su Segundo hogar por el trato digno y la excelente educacion que Alpha les brinda a todos sin excepcion, porque queremos ser escuchados y que nuestra voz llegue a tocar los corazonez de los que en sus manos depende el exito de cada estudiante, no les cierren el camino poniendo Piedras, si no al contrario con tu apoyo caminaran junto a ellos camino al exito. Somos un equipo dispuesto a luchar, hechame la Mano candidato que en tu exito esta el nuestro.


Bri Juarez

Name/Nombre: Bri Juarez

Name of Poem/ Nombre del Poema: Unity


Why is parent engagement important to me?

Better yet, why isn’t it important to all?

I was my child’s  first teacher,

I witnessed huge milestones,

First words, first steps, first smile…

But now there are many firsts her teacher has witnessed

First time being able to read a book, complete a spelling test,

Why wouldn’t I want to know what she is learning in school?

Working together we will keep academics standards high,

Support when in need, advocate when possible

Building a strong foundation for her to succeed

with her school, teachers, and me on her side.

United as one, one goal, one purpose

For her to learn and prosper is where we will all contribute

Tools and resources provided that we will implement

Ensuring that our partnership is all for a better future


Mirella Arreola

Name/Nombre: Mirella Arreola

Name of Poem/ Nombre del Poema: Para Mis Cuatro Melodias


Mama Leder

Yo soy una mamá inmigrante que llegó a este país a los 21 años, sola, ya que en mi país no tuve la oportunidad de estudiar. Por esa razón, yo desde que empecé a llevar a mis hijos al Pre-kinder, empecé a involucrarme en su educación aunque eran muy pequeños. Para mi, era muy importante saber que ellos estaban recibiendo una buena  educación. Por eso empecé a buscar mejores escuelas. Fue así que conocí de las charter schools, y los moví de una escuela de distrito a un escuela chárter, Rocketship y Alpha. Y desde entonces, han permanecido en escuelas chárter. Siempre estuve presente en su educación, siendo voluntaria en las escuelas. Tengo un cajón lleno de reconocimientos que recibe de las escuelas de mis hijos como mamá voluntaria. Y hasta la fecha, he estado presente en cada uno de los pasos de mis hijos.

Es muy importante estar presentes en cada una de sus logros por más grandes o pequeños que sean. Pero también que sepan que van a tener nuestro apoyo cuando no estén haciendo bien en las escuela. Es importante ir de la mano con la escuela, y que la escuela se de cuenta que como papá estoy al día de lo que está pasando con mi hijo y cómo podemos trabajar como equipo para lograr el éxito de nuestros hijos en su educación y así puedan llegar a una universidad con éxito.

Ahora que mi hija está en la universidad y ya no puedo ir de voluntaria, me aseguro de hacerla sentir que mamá está ahí para ella cuando me necesite. Ahora que está terminado su segundo año en la universidad, para mí fue un gran orgullo saber que recibió un reconocimiento por tener un GPA alto durante su semestre en la universidad. Es cuando me doy cuenta de que todo valió la cuenta y que si se puede ayudar a nuestros hijos aunque sea una mamá inmigrante que no sabe el idioma de este país. Podemos hacer la diferencia en sus vidas.

Alpha Cindy Avitia High School Winning Poems Are Here

Posted by on May 24, 2022 in ACE Learning Center, ACE School Report | 0 comments

The winning poems are coming fast and furious and the first set of winners is from Alpha Cindy Avitia High School. Hi there poetry lovers. It’s Dexter and Luna, the ACE Poetry Contest mascots, here to brag about the first set of winning poems that we get to show off. They are great poems and great students. The cool winners are from all the grades – 9th/10th, 11th and 12th. Watch for the next ACE Spectrum blog to see the the other winning poems from Alpha.

Luna here. Pushing Dexter out of the way because let’s just get to the poems with no more talk. Congratulations winners, and here are the winning poems from Alpha’s high schoolers.

 9th/10th Grade – Winning Poems 

Rhianna Le

First Place

Name: Rhianna Le

Name of Poem: The Lost But Never Found


It started out with just the two of us.

Neither complained that it was a lonely world.

Even as our world grew and other beings appeared,

We never care for anyone else

Because we were one.

Our banquets were grand

With all of our foods.

Whenever we jumped on our trampoline,

We could touch the stars.

Each second of my life,

I felt complete and alive.

You were always the emotional one

And I was the embodiment of

Snow covered winter.

Together though, we were spring.

Filled with life.

So why’d you leave?

It all happened so suddenly

That I don’t even know the story behind it

Without the who, what, where, when, and how.

I’m not sure if it’s part of growing up

Or just “finding out” myself,

But it really is cruel.

I don’t feel like I used to,

No love, no happiness, no excitement.

I’ve lost it all,

Or did I give it away?

I’m not sure.

But I do know that snowy winter, I am no more

But instead reduced to a lifeless doll.

Strung up by the strings of this world

With no identity anymore.


Alexander Guzman

Second Place

Name: Alexander Guzman

Name of Poem: Shifting Tides


The moon oh so bright, shimmering till dawn

As the waves push and pull with mighty force

Thus potency so grave, though grave; such charm

Like a mirror in display, glass so coarse

Looking through the fragment of lucent glass

One sees in the darkest of times, a presence

Reflecting the constant shift in ones past

Waves crashing and thrashing, leaving an essence

Thou essence departing what is known

To bloom and to prosper thou must accept

Forsake the known and pursue the unknown

For one becomes change, no more repents

For the past says no more, thy embrace new embark

As tides shift so does one, do not wait for a mark.


Miranda (Max) Lopez

Third Place

Name: Miranda (Max) Lopez

Name of Poem: To my best friend <3


I still remember the very first day.

My phone had buzzed and I stopped playing my games to check.

It was an unknown person texting me, well, at that time at least.

You greeted me and asked me how I was, I responded,

I admit at first I responded with hostility.

Although can you blame me? I’ve felt the coldest form of a “friendship”, one that started off sweet and then quickly felt as if the world was suffocating me every time I tried to speak with them. As if my head was under water every time. Yet, I responded as another mere attempt to make a friend.

You finally explained to me who you were and I felt taken aback, I didn’t expect it. I didn’t expect to have met you before, nonetheless like that. I was embarrassed by the amount of hostility I had shown before and apologized.

You said it was okay and understood my point of view. That first day I showed you a side of me no one else should ever get to meet. For it is the shadow I run from, the pain I have to hold due to the past mistakes of others, the same past mistakes that chain me down when I try new things.

Throughout the rest of our time, thus far, we have had lots of moments. We’ve had some late nights chatting, we’ve been through tough times but never once did I ever doubt the bond we had. I know how hard my whirlpool of rushing thoughts can be to deal with. All the fucking absurd questions I ask as well. I’m so sorry.

Yet you stay, you always stay. Is this what someone does when they really care for you? I’ve always wondered throughout my day. You are my sense of safety, as a stubborn person I hate admitting that more than you’ll ever understand. I feel safe and understood whenever I talk to you about my feelings, is that normal? Hell, is any of this normal?

Is it normal to even make a person feel this strong of a connection? If not, then I guess me and you aren’t normal but that’s fine. I know everyone is odd in their own way and imperfected as well but when I see you, all I see is my perfectly imperfect best friend, the person who I can trust beyond life itself.

Thank you for teaching me how to enjoy people and showing me that life isn’t all that bad.

11th Grade – Winning Poems

Chi Pham

First Place

Name: Chi Pham

Name of Poem: Untitled


My wings drip in blood.

Yet my charm blinds them with lies.

But you see through it all.

You are the cold hard truth,

I am peaceful lie

Your wings shine unlike mine,

No pure white it seems,

Weight down by the cruelty of the world.

You can always return to my arms.

At least, that’s what I’ve always hoped

Yet you wittingly refuse.

Chocolate, cakes, and cream

All of the sweets you love, it so seems.

Why can’t you love my sweet lies the same?


Augustin Ponce

Second Place

Name: Augustin Ponce

Name of Poem: Untitled


here on the pen i feel right at home

like hearing the blues from a saxophone

i use the pen to help me leave them streets alone

i get pressed to join a g-a-n-g

but i’d rather go to AMC, cause the gangs just ain’t for me

i promised myself i’d never be a dropped scholar

id be a top baller, a shot caller, but it’s become a lot harder

parents keep on pressin me, school keeps on stressin me, i’m not trying to be the

best you see, but if i just pass then technically, i can say that i succeeded, but i

don’t have a choice

I gotta start winnin, or i am the villain, so much adrenaline, my head will be

spinnin like a judge on the voice

gotta do magic or it can get tragic, but i can’t even have it when my peers

make all of this noise

and i don’t mean in class, when they play with nintendo’s, cruise down the

street, and peeped out the window, they play with extendos, now kids gotta

learn that guns are not toys

now i don’t feel safe just walking alone, now i gotta be on the phone or walking

around with some of my boys

that’s why now i gotta go to the gym to go to get toned

so the people with sticks don’t come for my stones

or come breaking my bones

and all these people i don’t know, are they friend or they foe?

will they try me, i don’t even know

gotta stay, 5 deep when i roll

what can you expect when you were in the hood for half your life

My friends wouldn’t know what that’s like they’re half white

speaking of them, ended with 2, started with 10

they all said they were ride or die till the end

well, turns out that was a lie

life is insane

got trust issues because of these lames

lie on my name, then lie to my face

even when their lies have been traced


Juan Moreno

Third Place

Name: Juan Moreno

Name of Poem: My Love for Alpha

Elementary and Middle School weren’t that great but now that I am in alpha high school i feel great. So much time has past since my first class. I’ve had my ups and downs but I always feel welcome on Alpha grounds. Every day when the last bell rings I can’t wait to come back the next day. Every day I see the teachers and give thanks that they are teaching our class every day. They work so hard every day. I hope they know that I give thanks. Thank you so much alpha school for giving me a chance at your school.


12th Grade – Winning Poems

Andres Lopez

First Place

Name: Andres Lopez

Name of Poem: My Poem


I am sorry I cannot be as you want

But have you ever thought your taunts

Make my heart feel fraught

And make me feel distraught

So as I heave and breathe my face becomes hot

Could you stop cursing me out and please just not

I am sorry I am weak

I cannot help being meek

As I climb it matters not the peaks

I will never be the person you seek

I am sorry that I am fat

That I’m not as agile as a cat

That I cannot swing a bat

Maybe if I had a f***ing pat on the back

I’ll find the thing that I lack

And you’ll stop seeing me like a goddamn hack

What no comeback?!

I am sorry that you are wrong!

The venom you spew ringing in my ears like a gong!

But know that soon you’ll see that all along!

I was truly strong!

I am sorry my brother

Know that my purpose was another

I would just rather

Your stomach be a little flatter

I did not mean to make your heart wither

Or to scorn your friendly Hithers

I just worry about your Health

And I haven’t got the wealth

To purchase a life-saving operation

Should you continue your inflation

But dare I say your infatuation

With my appreciation

Was my own damnation

So now here I vow

To say aloud

How I’m so proud

My brother, you do not need to be rough

You do not need to be tough

You do not need to be buff

Because you are already more than enough.


Andy Nguyen

Second Place

Name: Andy Nguyen

Name of Poem: Bowdoin College


My wonderful Bowdoin, oh how you inspire me to write;

I love the way you connect, give love, and might.

Fluttering throughout my mind all day and night;

Always dreaming about the possibilities we can create tonight.

Let me compare you to a polar bear;

You are more snowy, joyful, and you care.

Your curiosity brings my arms in the air;

You are what makes Maine so rare!

Every restless day I wake to live in poverty,

For my family cannot afford the necessity of living in quality.

But soon, I will have many possibilities;

For Bowdoin, you let hungry children live their odyssey!

How do I love you? Let me count the ways.

I love your vibrant dorms and communities that deserve praise.

You allow pupils to amend the world for days;

You have countless opportunities that leave me amazed!

The most beautiful word I know is your name, Bowdoin;

Its sound gets my heart poundin’!

Your kindness and creativity is immune to my melatonin;

My love for you is explodin’!

But Bowdoin, you make me cry;

For I cannot wait for time to go by.

Seminars with more harmony than a bonsai;

Oh, Bowdoin, my love refuses to say goodbye!

I might not get this rhyme right, but it will be alright;

Remember my lean words while we’re apart on a winter night;

As an eagle towards the sky take flight;

I kiss your hand to say yes for the best four years of my life!


Connie Santos

Third Place

Name: Connie Santos

Name of Poem: If; You Need To


When I reflect on our time together

The things you said

Your hopes

Your dreams

Are filled with “ifs”

“If I started as early as you…”; “If I had the same opportunities as you…”;

“If I were still young…”

Your “ifs” and “if onlys” discourage me

Distract me, disheartens me, disappoints me

You make me feel guilty with your “you need to’s”

“You need to go to college”; “You need to give back to your family”;

“You need to make money for your family”; “You need to take advantage of your opportunities”

I have these opportunities

Because of you

You gave your all to me

You gave me these opportunities

I cannot be the one to blame

For your lack of opportunities

If you were still young, there are no guarantees

If you started as early as me, there are no guarantees

If you had the same opportunities as me, there are no guarantees

I cannot guarantee that you and I will be successful

I cannot be the one to blame

Your burdens will be

My burdens

Mine are yours

I cannot blame you for my burdens

I cannot shield you from my burdens

But my burdens discourage me

Distract me, disheartens me, disappoints me

When I reflect on our time together

The things I said

My hopes

My dreams

Are filled with “ifs” and “I need to’s”

Audio Storytelling Skills Learned at KALW Audio Academy Help All Forms of Storytelling

Posted by on May 18, 2022 in Uncategorized | 0 comments

By Ben Trefny, Interim Executive Director, KALW

We’re nearing graduation day for our current Audio Academy class here at KALW. It’s been a year of transition — obviously for the students who are learning skills that can shape their future careers — but also for us all. We’re in the station sometimes, and we’re working from home at others. We’re masked, and then we’re not masked. All the while, as we navigate new developments, we’re informing our audience about best practices. It’s challenging, but it’s all so important, and as a public service, we and our trainees have a responsibility to provide reliable, up-to-date information to help keep us all safe. I’m grateful every day we have the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the world.

One person who’s been doing a lot of that is current Audio Academy fellow D’Andre Ball. It’s been really wonderful to see his development over these past eight months, and I’m really excited to where he goes from here!

Here are D’Andre’s three most recent stories:

Why were the Geneva Towers demolished? 

Closed East Oakland foundry site to be redeveloped

COVID and gentrification: Bishop K.R. Woods is leading his church through both

And here are some thoughts he shared about his experiences:

D’Andre Ball, Audio Academy Fellow ’22

Producing my first feature story on Covid, gentrification and the black church, allowed me to dig deeper into observations and concerns I was having about my surrounding community. Not only was I able to explore my curiosity regarding this topic, but in collaboration with my editor, Lisa Morehouse, I was also able to step back and reflect on how my community concern could fit within a larger national landscape. 

The feedback and encouragement I received while producing my first audio story, makes me even more excited for my final projects. As Audio Academy comes to a close, I look forward to applying the confidence I’ve gained as a storyteller to continue sharing my voice and perspective through audio journalism.  

One of the joys for me of being part of such a longstanding training program is seeing where people go with the skills they develop with us. It’s particularly sweet when I get to see them in practice, like with my current colleagues Shereen Adel (’16), David Boyer (’14), Victor Tence (’20), and Eli Wirtschafter (’16). But it’s always nice to catch up with alumni who are out in the rest of the world.

Ian Lewis (’16) went to west Texas where he worked with Marfa Public Radio for a while, earning an Edward R. Murrow Award, and now is involved with other media. Here’s an update he shared with us:

Ian Lewis Audio Academy Graduate ’16

Most exciting news on my end is that I’m part way through making a feature length fiction movie. First half is almost entirely in the can and we will shoot the second half late in summer after the rainy season. I hope to share it with you this fall! I’m excited about the next stage of production where I’m going to use all kinds of microphones, including contact mics, to make recordings of the industrial and extractive equipment and infrastructure to make a sort of score for the film. I find the audio recording as fun or more so than the filming. I’ve also been having fun broadcasting ambient sounds and field recordings on a tiny pirate radio station in my backyard (the kind of thing you can get away with in rural Texas). And I have to say, I think often while I’m editing about the Audio Academy — maybe film editors should all begin with audio! 

Cool stuff. And much more to come, from many more folks!