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Posted by on May 5, 2015 in ACE Learning Center, ACE Partners, Continuing Education | 1 comment

Yip! Howl! Applause! Announcing the SFIHS Poetry Contest Winners

By Guest Bloggers Cronos and Mr. Gizmo, San Francisco International High School Poetry Contest Mascots

Woof!  SFIHS poets are so cool I had to put on my sweater.

Woof! SFIHS poets are so cool I had to put on my sweater.

It gives us great pleasure to present to you, dear readers, the winners of the Second Annual San Francisco International High School Poetry Contest. Taking time out of our busy lives (dog days aren’t always easy) to slow down and see the world through a poetic lens and has offered us calm in the midst of a busy month. Thanks to all of the student poets who participated. We received over 50 poetry submissions this year! However, it is with yip, howl and regular old applause that we present this year’s winners:


First Place Winner

First Place Winner Rexanna Biserra

First place: Rexanne Biserra “Social Media People”


Second Place: Luana Hu, “Phone”


Third Place: Adonay Sanchez, “Untitled (with music)”


Honorable Mentions: Simon Chen, Haifeng Huang and Herry Li.

Social Media People
By Rexanne Biserra

Heads down, focusing on that tiny computer
I look at you, but you prefer that little screen

Do me just one favor
Put that phone down and look at me

You look for likes
When you could have love

You look for friends
When you could have us


by Shuyi Luana Hu

From small to big
From visibility to invisibility
Through a phone
to the see the world

What can we see?
What can we learn?
What can we obtain?

Can we see people’s emotion?
Can we learn what we need?
Can we build a relationship?

I wonder.
I don’t know what is true

I can’t see their emotions

Are they smiling?
Are they suffering?
Are they crying?

I don’t know what is true.

Untitled (with music)
By Adonay Sanchez

Way to distraction
Delete the distance
Love each other over thousands of miles

Wake up
And see the Korean President
Without excuses or advertisments
But they don’t care

Ease for my life, my work
With copy and paste
I have an A ready

I love my new era
Technology, with music

Cronos here, totally inspired by the SFIHS poets.  You make me howl!

Cronos here, totally inspired by the SFIHS poets. You make me howl!


Yours in verse,

Cronos and Mr. Gizmo

1 Comment

  1. Great work! Interesting to see that the poems all have the common thread of technology and social media with a yearning to make authentic connections and to create.

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