ACE Partner Schools Compete in ACE Poetry Contest to Celebrate National Poetry Month
By Guest Blogger Riley, assisted by Martha Sessums
Hi. It’s me, Riley. Its April again, and April is National Poetry Month. That means poetry is everywhere. April also means I get to announce the Second Annual ACE Poetry Contest.
(Have I earned a doggie treat yet? Shouldn’t treats be everywhere too?)

Hi! I'm Riley. I hang out with John Glover, Founding Principal of Alpha Public Schools. He gives me treats!
This year there are three ACE Partner Schools entering the contest. Of course, my school Alpha: Blanca Alvarado Middle School is part of the creative fun, but two other schools have joined us. They are San Francisco International High School (SFIHS) and Oakland International High School (OIHS.)
(I hear that SFIHS are the Huskies and they might have a Husky poetry mascot too. Stay tuned. Bet he likes treats.)
So how does the contest work? The poem topic is “Learning with Technology.” The poem can be any form that inspires you, like a ballad or sonnet, haiku or free verse. Last year the Alpha kids liked limericks so much, they all wrote in that style.
The poems will be judged by a panel of experts made up of your school’s teachers and administrators and they will choose first, second and third place winners.
What do the winners get? Treats! Oh, no, that’s me. But you’ll win a prize. First place wins $50, second is $30 and third is $25.
Plus your winning poem will be posted in the ACE Spectrum Blog. Right here. With your picture.
So start learning about forms and types of poetry, rhythm and meter, schools and periods. (Dude, period deals with trends and time, not being late for P.E.) The contest will run until April 25th, with winners announced after that.
And don’t forget that April 24 is Poem in Your Pocket Day. It is very cool to read your favorite poem to your friends that day.
I still think there should be National Give a Dog a Treat from Your Pocket Day. But that would be everyday.
Have fun with the contest! Good luck poets! And check out the ACE Spectrum blog as I try my skill at writing poetry. My favorite poem form is doggerel.